Connection Class

package javaxt.sql;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;

//**  Connection Class
 *   Used to open and close a connection to a database and execute queries.

public class Connection implements AutoCloseable {

    private java.sql.Connection Conn = null;
    private long Speed;
    private Database database;

  //** Constructor
    public Connection(){}

  //** Constructor
    public Connection(java.sql.Connection conn){

  //** isOpen
  /** Returns true if the connection is open.
    public boolean isOpen(){
        return !isClosed();

  //** isClosed
  /** Returns true if the connection is closed.
    public boolean isClosed(){
            return Conn.isClosed();
        catch(Exception e){
            return true;

  //** getConnectionSpeed
  /** Used to retrieve the time it took to open the database connection
   * (in milliseconds)
    public long getConnectionSpeed(){
        return Speed;

  //** getConnection
  /** Used to retrieve the java.sql.Connection for this Connection
    public java.sql.Connection getConnection(){
        return Conn;

  //** open
  /** Used to open a connection to the database using a JDBC connection
   *  string. Returns true if the connection was opened successfully.
   *  @param ConnectionString A jdbc connection string/url. All connection
   *  URLs have the following form:
   *  <pre> jdbc:[dbVendor]://[dbName][propertyList] </pre>
   *  Example:
   *  <pre> jdbc:derby://temp/my.db;user=admin;password=mypassword </pre>
    public boolean open(String ConnectionString) throws SQLException {
        return open(new Database(ConnectionString));

  //** open
  /** Used to open a connection to the database using a javaxt.sql.Database.
   *  Returns true if the connection was opened successfully.
    public boolean open(Database database) throws SQLException {

        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.database = database;

        ConnectionPool connectionPool = database.getConnectionPool();
        if (connectionPool==null){

          //Load JDBC Driver
            java.sql.Driver Driver = (java.sql.Driver) database.getDriver().load();

            //if (Conn!=null && Conn.isOpen()) Conn.close();

            String url = database.getURL(false);
            String username = database.getUserName();
            String password = database.getPassword();

            java.util.Properties properties = database.getProperties();
            if (properties==null) properties = new java.util.Properties();
            if (username!=null){
                properties.put("user", username);
                if (password!=null) properties.put("password", password);

            Conn = Driver.connect(url, properties);
            Conn = connectionPool.getConnection().getConnection();

        boolean isClosed = Conn.isClosed();

        Speed = System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime;
        return !isClosed;

  //** open
  /** Used establish a connection to the database using a previously opened
   *  java.sql.Connection. Returns true if the connection is open.
   *  @param conn An open java.sql.Connection
   *  @param database Used to associate a database instance with this
   *  connection. In doing so, you can avoid a potentially costly call parse
   *  connection metadata.
    public boolean open(java.sql.Connection conn, Database database){
        this.database = database;
        return open(conn);

  //** open
  /** Used establish a connection to the database using a previously opened
   *  java.sql.Connection. Returns true if the connection is open.
    public boolean open(java.sql.Connection conn){

        boolean isClosed;
            if (database==null) database = new Database(conn);
            Conn = conn;
            isClosed = Conn.isClosed();
        catch(Exception e){
            //System.out.println(database.getDriver().getVendor() + " ERROR: " + e.toString());
            isClosed = true;

        Speed = 0;
        return !isClosed;

  //** close
  /** Used to close a connection to the database, freeing up server resources.
   *  It is imperative that the database connection is closed after it is no
   *  longer needed, especially if the connection came from a ConnectionPool.
   *  That said, this class implements the AutoCloseable interface so you do
   *  not have to call this method if the connection was opened as part of a
   *  "try" statement. Example:
    try (javaxt.sql.Connection conn = database.getConnection()){

    catch(Exception e){
    public void close(){
        //System.out.println("Closing connection...");
        catch(Exception e){

  //** getRecords
  /** Used to execute a SQL statement and returns Records as an iterator.
   *  Example:
    for (javaxt.sql.Record record : conn.getRecords("select id from contacts")){
   *  Note that records returned by this method are read-only.
    public Iterable<javaxt.sql.Record> getRecords(String sql) throws SQLException {
        return getRecords(sql, null);

  //** getRecords
  /** Used to execute a SQL statement and returns a Records as an iterator.
   *  Example:
    for (javaxt.sql.Record record : conn.getRecords(

        "select first_name, last_name from contacts",

        new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put("readOnly", true);
            put("fetchSize", 1000);
        System.out.println(record.get("first_name") + " " + record.get("last_name"));
   *  @param sql Query statement. This parameter is required.
   *  @param props Recordset options (e.g. readOnly, fetchSize, batchSize).
   *  See the Recordset class for more information about this properties. This
   *  parameter is optional.
    public Iterable<javaxt.sql.Record> getRecords(String sql, Map<String, Object> props) throws SQLException {
        return new RecordIterator(getRecordset(sql, props));

  //** getRecord
  /** Returns a single record from the database. Example:
    javaxt.sql.Record record = conn.getRecord("select count(*) from contacts");
    if (record!=null) System.out.println(record.get(0));
   *  Note that records returned by this method are read-only.
    public javaxt.sql.Record getRecord(String sql) throws SQLException {
        HashMap<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
        props.put("readOnly", true);
        props.put("fetchSize", 1);

        javaxt.sql.Record record = null;
        try (Recordset rs = getRecordset(sql, props)){
            if (rs.hasNext()) record = rs.getRecord();
        return record;

  //** getRecordset
  /** Used to execute a SQL statement and return an open Recordset. The caller
   *  must explicitly close the Recordset when finished or invoke the
   *  getRecordset() method it in a try/catch statement.
   *  @param sql Query statement. This parameter is required.
   *  @param props Recordset options (e.g. readOnly, fetchSize, batchSize).
   *  See the getRecords() method for an example of how to set properties.
   *  This parameter is optional.
    public Recordset getRecordset(String sql, Map<String, Object> props) throws SQLException {

        if (props==null) props = new HashMap<>();
        if (props.isEmpty()){
            props.put("readOnly", true);
            props.put("fetchSize", 1000);

        Boolean readOnly = new Value(props.get("readOnly")).toBoolean();
        if (readOnly==null) readOnly = true;
        Integer fetchSize = new Value(props.get("fetchSize")).toInteger();
        if (fetchSize==null) fetchSize = 1000;
        Integer batchSize = new Value(props.get("batchSize")).toInteger();
        if (batchSize==null) batchSize = 0;

        Recordset rs = new Recordset();
        if (readOnly) rs.setFetchSize(fetchSize);, this, readOnly);
        if (!readOnly) rs.setBatchSize(batchSize);
        return rs;

  //** getRecordset
  /** Used to execute a SQL statement and return an open Recordset. The caller
   *  must explicitly close the Recordset when finished or invoke the
   *  getRecordset() method it in a try/catch statement. Example usage:
    try (javaxt.sql.Connection conn = db.getConnection()){

      //Open recordset
        try (javaxt.sql.Recordset rs = conn.getRecordset("select * from contacts")){

          //Iterate through the records
            while ({

              //Do something with the record. Example:

    catch(Exception e){
   *  @param sql Query statement. This parameter is required.
   *  @param readOnly If true, will
    public Recordset getRecordset(String sql, boolean readOnly) throws SQLException {
        HashMap<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
        props.put("readOnly", readOnly);
        if (readOnly) props.put("fetchSize", 1000);
        return getRecordset(sql, props);

  //** getRecordset
  /** Used to execute a SQL statement and return an open Recordset. The caller
   *  must explicitly close the Recordset when finished or invoke the
   *  getRecordset() method it in a try/catch statement. See the other
   *  getRecordset() for an example. Note that records returned by this method
   *  are read-only.
    public Recordset getRecordset(String sql) throws SQLException {
        return getRecordset(sql, true);

  //** execute
  /** Used to execute a prepared sql statement (e.g. "delete from my_table").
    public void execute(String sql) throws SQLException {
        try (java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt = Conn.prepareStatement(sql)){
            try { Conn.commit(); } catch(Exception e){}

  //** commit
  /** Used to explicitly commit changes made to the database.
    public void commit() throws SQLException {

  //** getDatabase
  /** Used to return database information associated with this connection.
    public Database getDatabase(){
        return database;

  //** RecordIterator
  /** Class used to iterate through records in a Recordset
    private class RecordIterator implements Iterable<javaxt.sql.Record>, AutoCloseable {
        private final Recordset rs;

        public RecordIterator(Recordset rs){
   = rs;

        public java.util.Iterator<javaxt.sql.Record> iterator() {
            return new java.util.Iterator<javaxt.sql.Record>(){
                public boolean hasNext(){
                    boolean hasNext = rs.hasNext();

                  //Since the getRecords() returns an Iterable (vs this class),
                  //the close method never gets called even though we implement
                  //the AutoCloseable interface. Therefore, we will call the
                  //close() method manually if there are no other records.
                    if (!hasNext) close();

                    return hasNext;
                public javaxt.sql.Record next(){
                    Field[] fields = rs.getFields();
                    Field[] clones = new Field[fields.length];
                    for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++){
                        clones[i] = fields[i].clone();
                    javaxt.sql.Record record = new javaxt.sql.Record(clones);
                    return record;

        public void close() {
            if (rs!=null) rs.close();