LogFile Class

package javaxt.express;
import java.util.*;

//**  LogFile
 *   Used to parse parse files generated by the Logger

public class LogFile {

    private javaxt.io.File log;
    private Integer id;

  //** Constructor
    public LogFile(javaxt.io.File log) {
        this.log = log;
            id = Integer.parseInt(log.getName(false));
        catch(Exception e){

  //** getID
    public Integer getID(){
        return id;

  //** toString
  /** Returns the contents of the log file as a string.
    public String toString(){
        return log.toString();

  //** Entry Class
  /** Used to represent and individual entry in a log file.
    public class Entry {
        private String ip;
        private String host;
        private String method;
        private String url;
        private String path;
        private String protocol;
        private javaxt.utils.Date date;
        private String[] header;
        private String tld;
        private String domainName;
        private boolean skip = false;

        public Entry(javaxt.utils.Date date, String ip, String method, String url, String header){
            this.ip = ip;
            this.url = url;
            this.date = date;
            this.method = method;
            this.header = header.split("\r\n");

          //Parse host and extract domain name
                String str = url.substring(url.indexOf("://")+3);
                int idx = str.indexOf("/");
                if (idx>0){
                    host = str.substring(0, idx);
                    path = str.substring(idx+1);
                    host = str;

                host = host.toLowerCase();
                if (host.contains(".")){
                    String[] arr = host.split("\\.");
                    tld = arr[arr.length-1]; //top level domain
                    domainName = arr[arr.length-2];
            catch(Exception e){

        public String[] getValues(String name){
            ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (String row : header){

                if (row.contains(":")){
                    String key = row.substring(0, row.indexOf(":")).trim();
                    String value = row.substring(row.indexOf(":")+1).trim();

                    if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(name)){
            return values.toArray(new String[values.size()]);
        public String getValue(String name){
            String[] values = this.getValues(name);
            return (values.length>0) ? values[0] : "";

      /** Returns true is the entry can/should be ignored. This will return
       *  true for duplicate requests (same request made within 5 minutes by
       *  the same IP address) and also "Range" requests made before 5/18/2013
        public boolean ignore(){
            return skip;
        public String getMethod(){
            return method;
        public String getURL(){
            return url;
        public String getPath(){
            return path;
        public String getProtocol(){
            return protocol;
        public javaxt.utils.Date getDate(){
            return date.clone();
        public String getDomainName(){
            return domainName;
        public String getIP(){
            return ip;

  //** getEntries
    public javaxt.utils.Generator<Entry> getEntries(){

        return new javaxt.utils.Generator<Entry>() {

            public void run() {

                HashMap<String, javaxt.utils.Date> map = new HashMap<>();

                String[] requests = log.getText().split("\r\n\r\n");
                for (int i=0; i<requests.length; i++){
                        if (requests[i].startsWith("New Request From")){

                          //Flag used to indicate whether the user should consider
                          //skipping over the entry when procesing entries
                            boolean skip = false;

                          //Parse request metadata
                            String ip = null;
                            String url = null;
                            String op = null; //GET, POST, etc
                            javaxt.utils.Date date = null;
                            for (String row : requests[i].split("\r\n")){

                                if (row.contains(":")){
                                    String key = row.substring(0, row.indexOf(":")).trim();
                                    String value = row.substring(row.indexOf(":")+1).trim();

                                    if (key.equals("New Request From")){
                                        ip = value;
                                    else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("Timestamp")){
                                            date = new javaxt.utils.Date(value);
                                            date.setTimeZone("UTC", true);
                                        catch(Exception e){
                                        op = key;
                                        url = value;

                          //Check the last time the client requested this url. If
                          //it was less then 5 minutes ago, mark the entry as skipable
                            try {
                                String key = ip + "-" + url.toLowerCase();
                                if (map.containsKey(key)){
                                    javaxt.utils.Date d = map.get(key);
                                    long seconds = date.compareTo(d, "seconds");
                                    if (seconds<(60*5)) skip = true;
                                    else map.put(key, date);
                                    map.put(key, date);
                            catch(Exception e){

                          //Parse request header
                            String requestHeader = requests[i];
                            if (op!=null) op = op.toUpperCase();
                            Entry entry = new Entry(date, ip, op, url, requestHeader);

                          //Check if this is a range request. If so mark it as skipable
                            String range = entry.getValue("Range");
                            if (range.contains("bytes=")){ //Range: bytes=658282-

                              //The JavaXT Server did not support range requests
                              //before 5/18/2013
                                if (id!=null && id<20130518) skip = true;

                          //Update skip flag
                            entry.skip = skip;

                          //Yield entry to caller

                    catch(Exception e){


  //** cleanLogFile
  /** Used to update the log file by removing any records for a given IP
   *  address.
    public void cleanLogFile(String ipAddress){
        Date date = log.getDate();
        String[] requests = log.getText().split("\r\n\r\n");

        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i=0; i<requests.length; i++){
            if (requests[i].startsWith("New Request From")){

                String request = requests[i] + "\r\n\r\n" + requests[i+1] + "\r\n\r\n";

                if (!request.startsWith("New Request From: " + ipAddress)){

