Item Classpackage javaxt.rss; import org.w3c.dom.*; //****************************************************************************** //** RSS Item //****************************************************************************** /** * Used to represent an entry in an RSS feed. * ******************************************************************************/ public class Item { private String title; private String description; private String author; private String creator; private String category; private link; private origLink; //<--FeedBurner private java.util.Date date; private Location location; private java.util.ArrayList<Media> media = new java.util.ArrayList<Media>(); //************************************************************************** //** Constructor //************************************************************************** public Item(){} //************************************************************************** //** Constructor //************************************************************************** public Item(String title, link, java.util.Date date){ this.title = title; = link; = date; } //************************************************************************** //** Constructor //************************************************************************** /** Creates a new instance of this class using an XML node from an RSS Feed. */ protected Item(Node item, java.util.HashMap<String, String> namespaces) { String mediaNS = namespaces.get(""); if (mediaNS==null) mediaNS = "media"; String geoNS = namespaces.get(""); if (geoNS==null) geoNS = "geo"; String pubDate = null; String dcDate = null; String updated = null; String description = null; String subtitle = null; String summary = null; String lat = null; String lon = null; java.util.ArrayList<Node> mediaNodes = new java.util.ArrayList<Node>(); NodeList nodeList = item.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i<nodeList.getLength(); i++){ Node node = nodeList.item(i); if (node.getNodeType()==1){ String nodeName = node.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String nodeValue = Parser.getNodeValue(node).trim(); if (nodeValue.length()==0) nodeValue = null; //Parse Common Attributes if (nodeName.equals("title")) title = nodeValue; else if (nodeName.equals("author")) author = nodeValue; else if (nodeName.endsWith("creator")) creator = nodeValue; else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("pubDate")) pubDate = nodeValue; else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("dc:date")) dcDate = nodeValue; else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("updated")) updated = nodeValue; else if (nodeName.endsWith("description")) description = nodeValue; else if (nodeName.endsWith("subtitle")) subtitle = nodeValue; else if (nodeName.endsWith("summary")) summary = nodeValue; //Parse Link else if(nodeName.equals("link")){ String url = ""; if (nodeValue!=null){ url = nodeValue.replace("\"", "").trim(); } if (url.length()==0){ //get href attribute url = Parser.getAttributeValue(node,"href").trim(); } if (url.length()>0){ try{ link = new; } catch(Exception e){} } } //Parse FeedBurner Link else if(nodeName.equals("feedburner:origLink")){ if (nodeValue!=null){ try{ origLink = new; } catch(Exception e){} } } //Enclosure (e.g. TASS News agency) else if (nodeName.equals("enclosure")){ addMedia(new Media(node)); } else if (nodeName.equals("category")){ category = nodeValue; } else if(Location.isLocationNode(nodeName, namespaces)){ location = new Location(node, namespaces); } else if (nodeName.equals("lat") || nodeName.equals(geoNS + ":lat")){ lat = nodeValue; } else if (nodeName.equals("long") || nodeName.equals(geoNS + ":long")){ lon = nodeValue; } else{ if (nodeName.startsWith(mediaNS + ":")){ mediaNodes.add(node); } } } } //Set date String date = pubDate; if (date==null || date.length()==0) date = dcDate; if (date==null || date.length()==0) date = updated; if (date!=null && date.length()>0){ try{ = Parser.getDate(date); } catch(java.text.ParseException e){ } } //Set description String desc = description; if (desc==null || desc.length()==0) desc = subtitle; if (desc==null || desc.length()==0) desc = summary; this.description = desc; //Parse media nodes if (!mediaNodes.isEmpty()){ //Check if there are any content nodes and if those nodes have children (e.g. The Guardian News Feed) for (Node mediaNode : mediaNodes){ String nodeName = mediaNode.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); if (nodeName.equals(mediaNS + ":content")){ NodeList nodes = mediaNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i<nodes.getLength(); i++){ Node node = nodes.item(i); if (node.getNodeType()==1){ addMedia(new Media(mediaNode)); break; } } } } //If none of the of the content nodes have children (standard use case) if (media.isEmpty()){ addMedia(new Media(mediaNodes.toArray(new Node[mediaNodes.size()]))); } } //Set location if (lat!=null && lon!=null){ location = new Location(lat, lon); } } //************************************************************************** //** getTitle //************************************************************************** public String getTitle(){ return title; } public void setTitle(String title){ this.title = title; } //************************************************************************** //** getDescription //************************************************************************** public String getDescription(){ return description; } public void setDescription(String description){ this.description = description; } //************************************************************************** //** getAuthor //************************************************************************** public String getAuthor(){ if (author==null && creator!=null) return creator; return author; } public void setAuthor(String author){ = author; } //************************************************************************** //** getCategory //************************************************************************** public String getCategory(){ return category; } public void setCategory(String category){ this.category = category; } //************************************************************************** //** getLink //************************************************************************** /** Returns a link/url associated with the current entry. Returns the * 'feedburner:origLink' if found. Otherwise returns a url associated with * the 'link' node. */ public getLink(){ if (origLink!=null) return origLink; else return link; } //************************************************************************** //** setLink //************************************************************************** public void setLink( url){ origLink = null; link = url; } //************************************************************************** //** getDate //************************************************************************** /** Return the date/time stamp associated with the current entry. Uses the * pubDate if it exists. Otherwise, returns dc:date */ public java.util.Date getDate(){ return date; } //************************************************************************** //** setDate //************************************************************************** public void setDate(java.util.Date date){ = date; } //************************************************************************** //** addMedia //************************************************************************** public void addMedia(Media media){; } //************************************************************************** //** getMedia //************************************************************************** /** Returns an array of media items associated with the current entry. */ public Media[] getMedia(){ return media.toArray(new Media[media.size()]); } //************************************************************************** //** getLocation //************************************************************************** /** Returns location information associated with the current entry (e.g. * GeoRSS element). */ public Location getLocation(){ return location; } //************************************************************************** //** setLocation //************************************************************************** public void setLocation(Location location){ this.location = location; } //************************************************************************** //** toString //************************************************************************** public String toString(){ StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); String br = "\r\n"; out.append("Title: " + getTitle() + br); //out.append("Description: " + getDescription() + br); out.append("Author: " + getAuthor() + br); out.append("Link: " + getLink() + br); out.append("Date: " + getDate() + br); if (location!=null){ out.append("Location: " + location.toWKT() + br); //out.append("Geometry Name: " + geometry.getName() + br); //out.append("Geometry SRS: " + geometry.getSRS() + br); } for (int i=0; i<media.size(); i++){ System.out.println(media.get(i)); } return out.toString(); } //************************************************************************** //** toXML //************************************************************************** /** Returns an XML fragment used by the Feed class to generate an RSS/XML * document. */ protected String toXML(){ StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); java.util.HashMap<String, Object> info = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>(); String title = getTitle(); if (title!=null){ title = title.trim(); if (title.length()>0) info.put("title", title); } String desc = getDescription(); if (desc!=null){ desc = desc.trim(); if (desc.length()>0) info.put("description", desc); } if (link!=null) info.put("link", link); if (date!=null) info.put("pubDate", date); if (!info.isEmpty()){ str.append(" <item>\n"); java.util.Iterator<String> it = info.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ String key =; Object val = info.get(key); str.append(" <" + key + ">"); if (val instanceof String){ str.append("<![CDATA["); str.append(val); str.append("]]>"); } else if (val instanceof java.util.Date){ String d = Feed.formatDate((java.util.Date) val); str.append(d); } else{ str.append(val); } str.append("</" + key + ">\n"); } str.append(" </item>\n"); } return str.toString(); } } |