Button Class

if(!javaxt) var javaxt={};
if(!javaxt.dhtml) javaxt.dhtml={};

//**  Button Class
 *   Custom button control. The button has 3 parts: icon, label, and an arrow.

javaxt.dhtml.Button = function(parent, config) {
    this.className = "javaxt.dhtml.Button";

    var me = this;
    var defaultConfig = {

      /** Text label for the button.
        label: null,

      /** If true, the button will initially appear in a selected state and the
       *  isSelected() method will return true. Default is false.
        selected: false,

      /** If true, the button will initially appear disabled and the
       *  isDisabled() method will return true. Default is false.
        disabled: false,

      /** If true, the button will be rendered as a toggle button. Default is
       *  false, unless the button has a menu.
        toggle: false,

      /** If true, will create a drop-down menu for the button. Components such
       *  as buttons or custom DOM elements can be added directly to the menu.
       *  See getMenuPanel() for more information.
        menu: false,

      /** Sets the position of the menu panel. Options are "bottom" or "right".
        menuAlign: "bottom",

      /** Used to set the "display" style attribute for the outer DOM element.
       *  This is not commonly ued. Default is "inline-block".
        display: "inline-block",

      /** Used to set the width of the button. This property is optional.
        width: null,

      /** Used to set the height of the button. This property is optional.
        height: null,

      /** Used to set the icon position relative to the button label. Options
       *  are "left" or "right". Note that the icon style is set in the style
       *  config. The icon style should not be used to control whether the
       *  icon appears to the left or right of the label. Use this config
       *  instead.
        iconAlign: "left",

      /** Style for individual elements within the component. Note that you can
       *  provide CSS class names instead of individual style definitions.

            button: {
                border: "1px solid #cccccc",
                borderRadius: "3px",
                background: "#F6F6F6",
                cursor: "pointer",
                padding: "3px 7px",
                margin: "0px",
                color: "#2b2b2b"

            label: {
                fontFamily: "helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif",
                fontSize: "14px",
                whiteSpace: "nowrap"

            icon: {


            arrow: {


            select: {
                background: "#007FFF",
                border: "1px solid #003EFF",
                color: "#FFFFFF"

            hover: {
                background: "#ededed"

            menu: {
                border: "1px solid #cccccc",
                background: "#F6F6F6",
                cursor: "pointer",
                padding: "3px 3px",
                zIndex: "1"


      /** Sound to play when the button is clicked
        sound: null

    var mainDiv;
    var mask, menu;
    var icon, label, arrow;

  //** Constructor
    var init = function(){

        if (typeof parent === "string"){
            parent = document.getElementById(parent);
        if (!parent) return;

      //Clone the config so we don't modify the original config object
        var clone = {};
        merge(clone, config);

      //Merge clone with default config
        merge(clone, defaultConfig);
        config = clone;

      //Get icon alignment
        var iconAlignment = config.iconAlign;
        if (!iconAlignment) iconAlignment = config.style.iconAlign; //legacy
        if (iconAlignment!=="right") iconAlignment = "left";

      //Get menu alignment
        var menuAlignment = config.menuAlign;
        if (!menuAlignment) menuAlignment = config.style.menuAlignment; //legacy
        if (menuAlignment!=="right") menuAlignment = "bottom";

      //Update arrow style as needed
        if (config.menu===true){
            var arrowDefined = false;
            for (var key in config.style.arrow){
                if (config.style.arrow.hasOwnProperty(key)){
                    arrowDefined = true;

            if (!arrowDefined){
                if (menuAlignment==="bottom"){
                    config.style.arrow = {
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0,
                        borderLeft: "5px solid transparent",
                        borderRight: "5px solid transparent",
                        borderTop: "5px solid #575757",
                        marginLeft: "10px"
                    config.style.arrowSelect = {
                        borderTop: "5px solid #FFFFFF"

      //Create outer div used to hold the button, mask, and menu
        var outerDiv = createElement('div', parent);
        outerDiv.setAttribute("desc", me.className);
        outerDiv.style.display = config.display;
        if (config.width){
            if (typeof config.width === "string"){
                outerDiv.style.width = config.width;
                outerDiv.style.width = config.width + "px";
        if (config.height){
            if (typeof config.height === "string"){
                outerDiv.style.height = config.height;
                outerDiv.style.height = config.height + "px";
        outerDiv.style.position = "relative";
        if (config.hidden===true){ //legacy config...
            outerDiv.style.visibility = 'hidden';
            outerDiv.style.display = 'none';
        me.el = outerDiv;

      //The button is implemented using a simple HTML table with 3 columns. The
      //left and right columns are for icons and the center column is for the
      //button label. The width of the center column is set to 100% and the
      //width of the left and right columns are defined by the "icon" and
      //"arrow" styles. Unfortunately, some browsers seem to have issues
      //rendering the table correctly inside of a div when the outerDiv's
      //display style set to "inline-block". For example, Mobile Safari will
      //completely ignore the "inline-block" style and stretch the button to
      //100% of the available width. In Chrome, if the left or right columns has
      //a width, the "inline-block" style is ignored and the button is stretched
      //to 100% of the available width. As a workaround, it looks like we can
      //wrap the button div in another div with the display style set to "table".
        var tableDiv = createElement('div', outerDiv);
        if (outerDiv.style.display==="inline-block"){
            tableDiv.style.display = "table";
            if (config.width) tableDiv.style.width = outerDiv.style.width;
        tableDiv.style.height = "100%";

      //Create main div used to represent the button
        mainDiv = createElement('div', tableDiv, config.style.button);
        mainDiv.setAttribute("desc", "button");

        var table = createTable(mainDiv);
        table.style.fontFamily = "inherit";
        table.style.textAlign = "inherit";
        table.style.color = "inherit";
        var tr = table.addRow();
        var td;

      //Add icon (or label)
        td = tr.addColumn();
        if (iconAlignment==="left"){
            icon = createElement("div", td, config.style.icon);
            arrow = createElement("div", td, config.style.arrow);

      //Add label
        td = tr.addColumn({width: "100%"});
        label = createElement("div", td);
        setStyle(label, "label");
        if (config.label) label.innerHTML = config.label;

      //Add arrow (or icon)
        td = tr.addColumn();
        if (iconAlignment==="left"){
            arrow = createElement("div", td, config.style.arrow);
            icon = createElement("div", td, config.style.icon);

      //Create menu panel as needed
        if (config.menu===true){
            config.toggle = true;
            menu = createElement('div', outerDiv, config.style.menu);
            menu.setAttribute("desc", "menu");
            menu.style.position = "absolute";
            menu.style.visibility = "hidden";

            var hideMenu = function(e){
                if (!mainDiv.contains(e.target)){
                    menu.style.visibility = "hidden";

          //Hide menu if the client clicks outside of the menu
            window.addEventListener('click', hideMenu);

          //Create logic to process touch events
            var touchStartTime, touchEndTime;
            var x1, x2, y1, y2;

            window.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e){
                x1 = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
                y1 = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;
                touchStartTime = new Date().getTime();
                touchEndTime = null;

            window.addEventListener('touchend', function(e){

                touchEndTime= new Date().getTime();
                x2 = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
                y2 = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;

                var distance = Math.sqrt( (x2-=x1)*x2 + (y2-=y1)*y2 );
                if (distance<0) distance = -distance;
                var duration = touchEndTime - touchStartTime;

                if ((duration <= 500 && distance <= 10) || //Quick tap
                    (duration > 500 && distance <= 10)) {  //Long press


      //Set button state
        if (config.disabled===true) me.disable();
        if (config.selected===true) me.select();

      //Add public show/hide methods

  //** addEventHandlers
    var addEventHandlers = function(div){

      //Disable text selection
        div.onselectstart=function(){return false;};

      //Create onclick function
        var onclick = function(){
            if (config.sound!=null) config.sound.play();

            if (config.toggle===true){
                if (menu){

                    if (isTouch){
                        //Do nothing - button is toggled on mouse down...


      //Create logic to process touch events
        var touchStartTime;
        var touchEndTime;
        var x1, x2, y1, y2;
        var isTouch = false;

        div.ontouchstart = function(e) {
            isTouch = true;

            x1 = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
            y1 = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;
            touchStartTime = new Date().getTime();
            touchEndTime = null;

            if (div.selected!==true){
                addStyle(div, "hover");
                addStyle(icon, "iconHover");
                addStyle(arrow, "arrowHover");

        div.ontouchend = function(e) {

            touchEndTime= new Date().getTime();
            x2 = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
            y2 = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;

            var distance = Math.sqrt( (x2-=x1)*x2 + (y2-=y1)*y2 );
            if (distance<0) distance = -distance;
            var duration = touchEndTime - touchStartTime;

            if ((duration <= 500 && distance <= 10) || //Quick tap
                (duration > 500 && distance <= 10)) {  //Long press
                setStyle(div, "button");
                setStyle(icon, "icon");
                setStyle(arrow, "arrow");

      //Logic to process mouse events
        if (!isTouch){

                addStyle(div, "select");
                addStyle(icon, "iconSelect");
                addStyle(arrow, "arrowSelect");

                if (menu){
                    //TODO: Add mouseup events to buttons in the menu

                //return false;
            div.onclick = function(){
            div.onmouseover = function(){

                if (div.selected!==true){
                    addStyle(div, "hover");
                    addStyle(icon, "iconHover");
                    addStyle(arrow, "arrowHover");

            div.onmouseout = function(){

                if (div.selected!==true){
                    setStyle(div, "button");
                    setStyle(icon, "icon");
                    setStyle(arrow, "arrow");


  //** onClick
  /** Called whenever the button is clicked.
    this.onClick = function(){};

  //** getText
  /** Returns the button label.
    this.getText = function(){
        return label.innerHTML;

  //** enable
  /** Used to enable the button.
    this.enable = function(){
        var outerDiv = me.el;
        outerDiv.style.opacity = "";
        if (mask) mask.style.visibility = "hidden";

  //** disable
  /** Used to disable the button.
    this.disable = function(){

        var outerDiv = me.el;
        outerDiv.style.opacity = "0.5";

        if (mask){
            mask.style.visibility = "visible";
            mask = createElement('div',{
                position: "absolute",
                zIndex: "1",
                width: "100%",
                height: "100%"
            mask.setAttribute("desc", "mask");
            outerDiv.insertBefore(mask, outerDiv.firstChild);

  //** isEnabled
  /** Returns true if the button is enabled (i.e. not disabled).
    this.isEnabled = function(){
        return !me.isDisabled();

  //** isDisabled
  /** Returns true if the button is disabled.
    this.isDisabled = function(){
        if (mask){
            if (mask.style.visibility !== "hidden") return true;
        return false;

  //** select
    this.select = function(){
        if (mainDiv.selected===true) return;
        mainDiv.selected = true;

  //** deselect
    this.deselect = function(){
        if (mainDiv.selected===true){
            mainDiv.selected = false;

  //** isSelected
  /** Returns true if the button is selected (e.g. depressed)
    this.isSelected = function(){
        return (mainDiv.selected===true);

  //** toggle
  /** Used to toggle the button's selection state.
    this.toggle = function(){
        if (config.toggle===true){
            if (mainDiv.selected===true){
                if (menu) menu.style.visibility = "hidden";
                if (menu) menu.style.visibility = "visible";

  //** getMenuPanel
  /** Returns the DOM element associated with the menu panel. Typically, this
   *  is used to render menu options (i.e. buttons).
    this.getMenuPanel = function(){
        return menu;

  //** Utils
    var merge = javaxt.dhtml.utils.merge;
    var createTable = javaxt.dhtml.utils.createTable;
    var createElement = javaxt.dhtml.utils.createElement;
    var addShowHide = javaxt.dhtml.utils.addShowHide;
    var setStyle = function(el, style){
        javaxt.dhtml.utils.setStyle(el, config.style[style]);
    var addStyle = function(el, style){
        javaxt.dhtml.utils.addStyle(el, config.style[style]);
