PageLoader Class

Used to dynamically load html documents.


PageLoader( config )

Public Methods

loadPage( url, onSuccess, onFail, onUpdate )
Used to replace the body of the current document with html from another document found at a given url. Dynamically loads any css stylesheets and javascripts sourced in the html document.
load( url, onSuccess, onFail, onUpdate )
Used to fetch an html document found at a given url. Loads any css stylesheets and javascripts sourced in the html document. Returns the raw html, document title, and any inline scripts via the callback. It is up to the caller to decide what to do with the html (e.g. replace element) and when to execute the inline scripts.
loadApp( url, onSuccess, onFail, onUpdate )
Used to fetch an application xml document found at a given url. Loads any css stylesheets and javascripts sourced in the xml document. Returns the name and main function used to instantiate the application.