DataStore Class

if(!javaxt) var javaxt={};
if(!javaxt.dhtml) javaxt.dhtml={};

//**  DataStore
 *   Simple data store used to manage records and broadcast updates

javaxt.dhtml.DataStore = function(data) {

    var me = this;
    var listeners = {};
    var records = [];

    this.length = 0;

  //** Constructor
    var init = function(){
        if (isArray(data)){
            records = data;
            me.length = records.length;

  //** addEventListener
    this.addEventListener = function(name, fn, scope){
        if (!fn) return;
        var listener = {
            fn: fn,
            scope: scope
        if (listeners[name]){

    var fireEvent = function(name, ret){
        if (listeners[name]){
            var arr = listeners[name];
            for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
                var listener = arr[i];
                listener.fn.apply(listener.scope, isArray(ret) ? ret : [ret]);

  //** push
    this.push = function(record){

  //** add
    this.add = function(record){
        me.length = records.length;
        fireEvent("add", record);

  //** insert
  /** Used to add a record at a specific index and pushes records below it
   *  down a level
    this.insert = function(record, idx){
        if (!isNaN(idx)){
            records.splice(idx, 0, record);
        me.length = records.length;
        fireEvent("add", record);

  //** pop
  /** Removes and returns the last element from the data store
    this.pop = function(){
        var obj = records.pop();
        me.length = records.length;
        fireEvent("remove", obj);

  //** shift
  /** Removes and returns the first element from the data store
    this.shift = function(){
        var obj = records.shift();
        me.length = records.length;
        fireEvent("remove", obj);

  //** remove
  /** Used to remove a record from the data store
    this.remove = function(record){
        for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++){
            if (records[i]===record){

  //** removeAt
    this.removeAt = function(idx){
        me.splice(idx, 1);

  //** clear
    this.clear = function(){

  //** splice
    this.splice = function(idx, numRecords){
        var arr = records.splice(idx, numRecords);
        me.length = records.length;
        fireEvent("remove", arr);

  //** get
    this.get = function(idx){
        return records[idx];

  //** set
    this.set = function(idx, record){
        var orgRecord = records[idx];
        records[idx] = record;
        fireEvent("update", [record, orgRecord]);

  //** sort
    this.sort = function(fn){

  //** forEach
  /** Used to iterate through all the records in the store using a callback
   *  function. Example:
      store.forEach(function (record, i) {
          console.log(i, record);
   *  Optional: return true in the callback function if you wish to break and
   *  iterate stop iterating.
    this.forEach = function(callback){
        if (!callback) return;
        for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++){
            var r = callback.apply(me, [me.get(i), i]);
            if (r===true) return;

  //** destroy
    this.destroy = function(){
        me.length = 0;
        for (var key in listeners) {
            if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(key)){
                var arr = listeners[key];
                arr = arr.splice(0,arr.length);
                for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
                    arr[i] = null;
                delete listeners[key];

    var isArray = javaxt.dhtml.utils.isArray;
