Month Class

Used to render a month


Month( parent, config )
Used to instantiate this class
parentDOM element in which to render this component
configConfiguration settings (optional)

Public Methods

hasHours( )
show( )
hide( )
enableTouch( )
disableTouch( )
createColumnHeader( i )
Returns a div used to indicate the day of the week. The div is inserted into a given column header. This method can be safely overridden to generate custom headers.
createCellHeader( date, i, j )
Returns a div used to indicate the date within an individual cell. This method can be safely overridden to generate custom cell headers.
createCellFooter( date, i, j )
Returns an div empty which is enserted into the cell footer. This method can be safely overridden to generate custom cell footers.
getCells( )
Returns an array of cells - one for each day in the view. A cell is defined by a date/id and a bounding rectangle. These cells are used when dragging events.
getEventStore( )
addEvent( event )
removeEvent( event )
getEvents( )
Returns an array of all the events rendered in the view.
clear( )
Used to remove all the events from the view.
refresh( )
Used to re-render all the events in the cell.
getDOM( )
next( )
back( )
setDate( d )
getDate( )
getDateRange( )
Returns the start/end dates represented by this view.
getTitle( )
Returns a title for the current view.